Tribute to Harvey
I sit here quietly holding his hand
Just waiting and praying
How vividly I can recall those words--
“Till death us do part.”
A vow, a promise before God.
I looked into that happy face
Those sparkling blue eyes
and squeezed his hand
and said those words—promising.
Oh, so far in the future
But, the future is here now-- today?
Tomorrow? Next week?
I always said “We would go together.”
I was afraid he would not know the way
and I would have to direct him.
You know how reluctant men are to stop
to ask for directions.
Now, I must commit him to a Guardian Angel
who will lead the way.
He was a gift to me from God--
an answer to my prayer.
How can I now not see that he is
safely returned tenfold,
better, brighter, happier, holier
and more precious than when I received him.
For he, too, made me a better person
for having known and loved him.
There is no more waiting—It is the end game.
He was only on loan to me and now I must give him back.
The days have been beautiful—sunny, bright, and shining.
A gentle breeze stirs the flag
Leaves are starting to fall
As one leaf quietly slips from the tree of life.
He awakened one night and clearly declared
“I'm ready to go home.”
The next morning he asked,
“Am I going to make it?”
Yes, Harvey, you will make it!
An angel will guide you
for you are going home.
“This is the day the Lord has made
Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
In the words of Simeon
“Now, Lord, you may dismiss your servant.”
I commit his spirit into Your hands, O Lord,
Joan Lacombe
Rest in Peace Harvey LJClark